Audio mastering s MasteringBOX
Black Friday Deal: Get 70% Off Your Order!

Black Friday Deal: Get 70% Off Your Order!

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There’s no better time to sign up with MasteringBOX. In celebration of the holidays, we’re offering new customers 70% off on your order, including the initial subscription payments and individual masters! To redeem this limited Black Friday offer, just use coupon code FRIDAY2018 at checkout. If that’s not enough to convince you, here are three reasons to grab an account with MasteringBOX today.

1. Bring Your Songs to the Next Level

No matter how great your mixes sound, you need to have them mastered to reveal their full potential. Mastering is an art form that requires years of experience and tinkering to get the hang of. But with MasteringBOX you can skip years for learning or paying high costs. Our algorithm is designed to bring your mixes to the next level. It analyzes your track, honing in on specific details that may need to come up or sit back. Your song will come out louder an clearer than ever before, ready to compete with other songs on the market.

2. As Many Masters as You Like

We offer several membership and pricing options so you can utilize our service as you see fit. Our Basic package includes unlimited mp3 and m4a masters for a low monthly rate. If you go for the Pro package you’ll also have access to 3 free WAV masters per month! Our best deal for personal use is the Unlimited membership, which gives you unlimited mp3, m4a, and WAV masters. If you plan on using MasteringBOX for professional use, you’ll want to grab a Studio membership. Each monthly membership can also be purchased at an annual rate, which can save you 34% compared to the monthly plan!

3. Take Control

If you love mixing and messing around with different settings, you don’t want an algorithm to do everything for you. While our service can take the wheel from start to finish, we want you to have the final say on your mastered track. With the Basic account, you can decide the final loudness setting of your master. If you want even more control, a Pro membership gives you access to three EQ knobs for Low, Mid, and High end. This Black Friday, shape your final master to your liking after MasteringBOX takes care of the grunt work.


Now is your chance to try out MasteringBOX for yourself. With this 70% discount, you really have nothing to lose. And we know you’ll be satisfied with the results. You’ve only got a few days to take advantage of this insane Black Friday deal! Give your mixes the treatment they deserve this year. Use code FRIDAY2018 between November 19th and November 25th to land this great offer.

We at MasteringBOX wish you and your family a wonderful, safe, and rocking holiday season!

O autorovi

Ethan Keeley

Ethan Keeley

Autor, hlasový talent, hudebník a audio editor

Ethan Keeley je hudebník, voiceover talent a spisovatel z Rochesteru v New Yorku. Když zrovna necestuje se svou kapelou Unwill, pracuje na nových písních a příbězích.

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