Audio mastering s MasteringBOX
MasteringBOX high-fives fifth anniversary with well-timed promotion alongside quality advancements

MasteringBOX high-fives fifth anniversary with well-timed promotion alongside quality advancements

MasteringBOX is proud to celebrate the fifth anniversary of its namesake online mastering platform with a well-timed promotion alongside a quality quintet of website and Android app advancements, as of May 27…

Mastering makes a great recording truly shine forth for all to hear. However, most musicians appreciate that mastering can be tough to understand. After all, what constitutes a genuinely great recording at an artistic level is arguably in the ear of the beholder, but what about at a truly technical level? Budgetary constraints aside, that’s a double-barrelled question of (technology available at any given) time and taste. That said, when MasteringBOX launched its innovative namesake website back in May 2015 to help other musicians by making the production process easier, no way could it have predicted how times could change so drastically five years later as the COVID-19 crisis continues to affect today’s creative community.

Continuing to ease the music-making journey and actively encouraging staying safe at home, MasteringBOX is proud to celebrate the fifth anniversary of its namesake online mastering platform with a well-timed promotion whereby anyone signing up for an Unlimited account automatically receives five months free of charge. Normally €19.00 EUR/$24.99 per month, this free period should surely help with keeping creative during these turbulent times since Unlimited account holders are able to access unlimited masters in WEB OPTIMIZED (MP3 320KBPS) or MOBILE OPTIMIZED (M4A 128KBPS) formats and unlimited uncompressed CD QUALITY WAV (16BIT/ 44.1KHZ) or HD WAV (24BIT/48KHZ) masters together with Loudness & EQ Control and ID3 Tag Editor & Cover Art for personal use.

Ultimately, though, a quality quintet of new features coincidentally coinciding with that fifth anniversary milestone have been applied to the now-noticeably faster MasteringBOX website with welcomed advancements. First up, users are able to share their tracks on social media via a URL linking to a webpage with an attractive player where listeners can leave comments — masters are private by default, but by sharing become public (though this can be undone at any time). Visually, the new GUI (Graphical User Interface) includes realistic-looking fader and EQ controls. Audio-wise, meanwhile, MasteringBOX now uses Web Audio API — a high- level JavaScript API (Application Program Interface) for processing and synthesising audio in web applications — when previewing, permitting a smooth A/B comparison. Additionally, the loudness prediction algorithm has been improved for the benefit of all. Finally, Free account users — able to access one compressed master per day — can now add ID3 Tag Editor & Cover Art information (shown on the track’s page, but not embedded on download).

Introduced in April 2016, and appropriately rounding out the fifth anniversary of its associated online mastering platform presently, the (almost) completely-rewritten MasteringBOX Android app also benefits from five new notable features. First and foremost, a noticeably new design with improved app structure and looks aids accessibility. Apps are hands-on, of course, by their very nature, and the MasteringBOX Android app builds upon this with new swipe gestures aplenty. Again, users are able to share their tracks on social media via a URL linking to a web page with an attractive player where listeners can leave comments. And, again, Free account users can add ID3 Tag Editor & Cover Art information. Improved payment flow will be welcomed by all, adding to the overall experience.

Experiencing MasteringBOX both as an advanced website- or Android app-driven doorway to a fast and easy-to-use service is to marvel at the tenacious talent of the online mastering maestros behind its creation. Collectively celebrating its fifth anniversary by signing up for a five-month free Unlimited account trial is a surefire way of easing the music-making journey while staying safe at home during these turbulent times. After all, music clearly continues to be the food of love. Let us all play on.

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CEO & Zakladatel MasteringBOX

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