Audio mastering s MasteringBOX
New M4a output format

New M4a output format

- 0 komentářů

We are glad to announce the new mobile optimized output format option in M4a, which is an extremely efficient loosely format. iTunes store, for instance, uses M4a to deliver the music albums.

This feature has been available the past 2 weeks in “beta” mode, but it is here to stay as it has proven to be a good alternative to the already well known MP3 format. Mobile devices require faster and lighter file sizes and this is a great way to make it happen.

Let us know what you think of this new feature, is there any other feature you would like us to develop? We are all ears!

Post image under Creative Commons Attribute license by Kārlis Dambrāns


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CEO & Zakladatel MasteringBOX

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