Audio-Mastering mit MasteringBOX
New Feature! ID3 Tag Editor

New Feature! ID3 Tag Editor

- 1 Kommentar

We are proud to announce a new feature: An ID3 Tag editor that will allow PRO subscribers to save the song’s data into the MP3 Master

The interface is simple and easy to use, just go to ID3 Tag tab, add the information and hit save, there’s no need to fill all the fields if you don’t want to. Right now the attributes you can save are: title, artist, album, album artist and composer. In the near future we will add a song cover art upload and a couple more attributes.

All the Tags are compatible with iTunes and Windows Media Player and other mp3 players, they will also work on most Android and iOS devices

Let us know what you think about this new feature!

Über die Autorin / den Autor



CEO & Gründer von MasteringBOX

Dídac ist professioneller Audioingenieur, Musikproduzent und Softwareentwickler. Er ist der Gründer von MasteringBOX und Autor zahlreicher Artikel im Blog.


david davenport

I will like to upload any of my dj mix from both of my cloud storage drive app on my android tablet.

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