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Buying Studio Gear: 4 Questions to Evaluate New Audio Equipment

Buying Studio Gear: 4 Questions to Evaluate New Audio Equipment

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Everyone in the music industry shares one common passion: the need for new, shiny bits of audio equipment as regularly as possible! Whether it’s a new guitar or a new Neve preamp, we all want to have the best equipment that we can. However, another common issue that most of us face is a lack of money to spend on these items. But fear not! As long as you follow these four tips, you can ensure that when you do make an investment, it’s worth it.

Will It Sound Better?

One of the most obvious reasons, especially for those looking to make upgrades, is whether the new piece of gear will improve on the old. This becomes especially clear when you consider very specific pieces of equipment. You should base your choice to upgrade your large diaphragm condenser microphone on two factors: will the new piece of gear improve on the old? Remember that no magical piece of equipment will make everything sound professional. All too often, people set out to buy expensive mics, believing that they will solve their sound quality issues. In reality, more thoughtful microphone positioning and gain staging with a $100 mic can create better results.

audio equipment

Am I Prepared For New Audio Equipment?

The first question you should ask yourself when examining any piece of gear is, “Am I even equipped to ”. this?”_ handle this?”_ It’s tempting to yearn for beautifully crafted 500 series compressors, but without a lunchbox to hold them, you won’t benefit. Similarly, if you buy the latest high-quality interface but your PC doesn’t support the right data connections, you will waste your time.

Make sure to do the appropriate research before making ANY purchase. I’ve avoided picking up countless bits of new kit simply because my current situation wouldn’t allow me to use them. You must consider if you are equipped to handle new audio equipment, and you also need to factor in the age-old analogy: a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. This means there’s no point in splurging on a $3000 pre-amp if you only use $100 microphones or $10 audio cables. Always look to upgrade what you already have before diving into the realm of professional, high-end audio equipment.

Will It Save You Time?

This might be the biggest consideration of all. Time is money and both seem to be all too fleeting. The idea of outboard audio equipment has always been a big fascination of mine. For a long time, all I wanted was racks and racks of analogue gear. Everything from pre-amps to equalisers. But, the further I got into the industry and the more work I did, the more I began to think. How long must it have taken to do the simplest of tasks back in the pure analogue days of recording!

Now, this isn’t to say that outboard gear completely wastes your time. In my opinion, digital pre-amp plugins represent a truly laughable concept. Very rarely does digital beat the sound of analog. With that being said, audio equipment like multi-effects units likely wastes a significant amount of your time. Paying clients probably won’t want to watch you choose and process reverbs in real-time, especially when they discover the parameters aren’t quite right and you need to do it again. Efficiency is key—not only for ensuring your customers come back but also for saving you time and maximizing your earning potential.

An analogue clock

Will This Make You More Effective?

All too often, we are captivated by the fantastic new technologies that we are presented with. However, once we take a step back, we find that we aren’t really being offered anything new. This is never more apparent than within the DAW plugin community.

I’m sure you have a favorite EQ that you feel comfortable with and that gives you good results regularly. Perhaps you even have two or three that offer different results. But do you really need ten or twenty? Despite the constant release of new EQ plugins that claim to be more advanced and offer more control and ease of use, most of them don’t really provide anything new. Not only that, but you will have to learn the new plugin inside and out. Ultimately, it’s going to be a huge waste of your time.

Whether it’s branded as the new industry standard or not, the only reason to ever pick up a new piece of audio equipment is if it will make you better at your job. If it allows you to provide a better service to your clients, then, by all means, go for it. If it’s simply going to be for show and not really become an everyday occurrence in your work, it’s probably not worth it.


As fun as it is to grab new audio equipment on a whim, it’s not always the best idea. Do your research beforehand and try to determine if it’s something you’re equipped for. Aim to make your purchases something that will make you faster and stronger as an engineer. Don’t buy a digital mixer just because of its looks.

Side note: If you’re wealthy, please feel free to ignore everything I have just said. Spend to your heart’s content!

Over de auteur

Tim Dunphy

Tim Dunphy

Audio-engineer en gespecialiseerde content writer

Meer dan 10 jaar ervaring in de audiobranche. Van XLR-kabels oprollen tot het masteren van albums. Ik ben een selfmade man en bewaar mijn vermogen in Bitcoin. Wat valt er nog meer te weten!?

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