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Producción Musical
13 de noviembre de 2024
Ultimate MIDI Guide for Modern Music Production
Discover our comprehensive MIDI Guide to unlock creative possibilities in music production. Explore its evolution and practical applications for seamless workflows.
Equipo de sonido
30 de junio de 2020
How to Choose a USB MIDI Controller for Your Home Studio
With so many MIDI devices on the market, how do you pick the right one? Let's explore the many factors that play into choosing a USB MIDI controller.
Composición Musical
9 de octubre de 2018
Learn Piano Online: 4 Great Resources to Learn Keyboard
Ever wanted to learn piano? Look no further than these fantastic resources to learn piano online. You'll be playing like a pro in no time!
Producción Musical
5 de abril de 2018
Programming Drums: Your Complete Guide to a Realistic Sound
Let's break down some of the finer points of programming drums and discuss the nuances that can make your drums trick even the best of percussionists.
Equipo de sonido
20 de febrero de 2018
Choosing A MIDI Keyboard: The Key Guide
Chances are you've considered picking up a midi keyboard. This article aims to help make choosing the right one a walk in the park!
Producción Musical
2 de octubre de 2017
Sound Design: Creative Techniques for Sound Generation
Creating sounds is one of the most fun parts of producing music. Here are some excellent tips, tricks, and techniques for creative sound design!
Distribución Musical
19 de septiembre de 2017
8 Ways to make Money as a Music Producer
The music industry is big business. Industry revenue for 2016 was $15 billion. You might be asking as a music producer, how do I get my piece of the pie?
Producción Musical
11 de agosto de 2017
3 Ways to Make MIDI Sound Realistic
How to make MIDI sound realistic with tips on humanizing notes, varying velocity, and using panning techniques for a fuller, natural sound.
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